Friday, 28 August 2020

12 years a ... lazy bum?

Hello, my numerous and fabulous imaginary readers! It's a joy to be among all of you again.

Turns out, my last published blog post here was in 2008. My absence on blogger will become a teenager next year! 

I think a quick update is in order. The 21 year old expat girl from Delhi is now almost 33 (yikes?!). No, I clearly did not defeat time. 12 years obviously added 12 years :p. Love for the tongue-sticking-out emoji hasn't diminished either. In fact, trust me, I'm trying really hard to sound a little more sophisticated here than in the 2008 post. It's not easy. 

A little recap of my life's journey should help y'all wait out the next dozen years in rapt anticipation. I was a 3rd year student at a German university back then. Since then, I've gone on to live on another continent. Alright, it was the US, but let's face it, continent sounds so much fancier! :D

I returned to India soon afterwards, but only managed to find my way back to Dilli-meri-jaan earlier this year in 2020. About a few minutes before the Covid-19 pandemic struck in full force. 

I do look forward to looking back at this time as part of 'history'. It's a little unsettling as part of the 'present', just a wee bit. Oh I got married too, nearly 3 years ago. Yeah, it's pretty cool, if you ask me. 

Looking back, my first blog post was somewhat of a noble venture. I had set out to help people who were lost & confused, dazed and forlorn. The ones navigating the internet in a quest for lyrics translations.

Honestly, I'm quite happy looking back at it. That lone flagbearer post, the beacon of my otherwise empty blog, has brought in some 20000 visitors single-handedly over the last 12 years. I am delighted that it hopefully helped a few of those weary travellers of the interwebs!

In the true fashion of the world of discarded blogs, I'll end this post with that cliffhanger of an ending which dots all long-forgotten blog posts across the world. The one where you, the reader, are left wondering, what did happen to the protagonist in the end? Are they still alive?

So yes, I'll write again soon. Totally. *Evil Grin*




P.S. Comment below to let me know if you've been here earlier ( or you wish you had) ! :D

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