Sunday, 9 November 2008

Imran Khan - Ni Nachleh - Lyrics + Translation

So I am a 21yr old girl from Delhi trying to learn Punjabi. On my own...It's nothign serious, just a hobby but I keep trying to find out little things various sources, from Punjabi songs mostly. Since I lived in Delhi all my life, I heard a lot of it being spoken around me and a lot of written too. So 2 years ago, I taught myself to read and write punjabi. I speak the basics...I can hold a very common basic conversation but nothing deep. That mostly stems from the fact that none of my Punjabi friends speak it themselves. Maybe i should go live in Jallandhar for a coupla days again... So a lot of times, I hear songs and I want to find out what it means but usually the lyrics are barely available, and translations are even rarer.

So this is my attempt at giving you the translations to some songs for others who might be looking. Since I'm not a native speaker myself, these may not be very very accurate translations but I think I get the general idea. If you *do* speak Punjabi and notice any errors, please so leave ur comments and corrections, they'll only help me learn better.

Some friends of mine told me about this song. This was after I had already heard another song by this guy (Imran Khan) which was Gora Gora Rang and I liked that so I heard this one and liked it too. Here's what I have figured out in translation.

Imran Khan - Ni Nachleh
Balle balle kehke oh nachdi
- [She dances saying balle balle]
Haaye tera tappna, Haaye tera nachna - [wow the way you turn, the way you dance]
Shaava shaava kehke oh nachdi - [she dances saying shava shava]
Haaye tera tappna, Haaye tera nachna - [wow, the way you turn, the way you dance]

Addiyaan nu chak ke - [She raises her ankles]
Ni lakk nu ghumaavein - [And she sways her waist]
Pairi ni panchebaan paake - [She wears anklets]
Nachke vakhaavein - [And dances]
Boliyaan main paavaan - [I sing boliyan (folk couplets)]
Tere samne ni aake- [in front of you]
Ek thumka tera ni pooray club nu hilaave - [One swing/turn of ur waist shakes up the club (haha)]

Sohne sajna ve ik gal ni s'naa - [Beautiful girl tell me one thing]
Kaahtohn tu sharmaavein - [why are you shy]
Jadon samne hovaan (samne hovaan)- [when I am in front of you]OR [when you are in front of me]
Chad de tu saare ghum - [leave all your worries and sadness]
Mehbooba meri bann - [become my sweetheart]
Saara kujh bhull ke - [forget everything]
Tu saade naal nach, Ni nachleh - [and dance with me, dance]
Saade samne tu billo raaniye, Ni nachleh - [ dance with me (in front of me) ]
Tere uttay assi jaan vaariye, Ni nachleh - [I'll put my life at stake for you, just dance with me]
Ni tere pichhay rull jaanviye, Ni nachleh - [ I ll ruin my life after you, just dance with me]

Akhiyaan nu laundi oh surma - [ she puts kajal in her eyes]
Haaye tera turna, Haaye tera mudna - [oh the way u walk, the way you turn]
Akhiyaan nu laundi oh surma-
[ she puts kajal in her eyes]
Haaye tera turna, Haaye tera mudna- [oh the way u walk, the way you turn]

Lammay kaalay vaal tere - [your long black hair]
Lagde kamaal ve - [look great]
Saadi hai tu zindagi- [you are my life]
Saadi jind jaan ve - [you are my heart and soul]
Shehar vich aake ni - [you come to the city and]
Tu paaye ni bhuchaal ve - [you cause an earthquake! lol]
Tera husn hai ke katal karaave - [Your beauty is killer, it can cause murders]

Sohne sajna ........ Ni nachleh
- [beautiful girl, dance with me]

Hope it was all correct. Do lemme know if this helped anyone looking for this song ! heheh
(Gawd, im so velli!)